Day 71 – make Mum smelly day!

It was so wonderful to walk in today and see Ellie in her big girl bed! And wearing proper clothes.

Last night Ellie’s amazing nurse reunited the girls for a brief amount of time (they both cried when it was time to part again).


Hannah came off all her monitoring today (and a very girly little number was found for her to wear).


So the girls decided I wasn’t quite smelly enough today. Ellie did a beautiful pentavite (a disgusting multivitamin for kids that is supposedly pineapple flavour and bright yellow) vomit all down the inside of my shirt and all over herself during hugs today, she was very sticky afterwards. I then went to see Hannah who was quite smelly, I changed her nappy, bottled her and while I was burping her she decided to fill her nappy again. I was thinking that is great two good size poos she must be feeling good. I took her nappy off to change her again, she wasn’t done….. my shirt, pants, hand (dripping off my hand), the chair behind me, her crib and the floor were all covered and very stinky! Needless to say she was looking quite relaxed (and probably no longer weighs 3kgs!). Thankfully my amazing midwife had popped in to see me so she was able to get my a shirt to wear home, however it was still a very smelly hour in the car.

**Just in, Ellie has been struggling with her breathing this afternoon, they checked her haemaglobin levels and they are low again. The nurse has just started a blood transfusion and we should know by about 11pm whether or not she will have to go back on to CPAP or if that life saving blood will be enough to help her breath easier. If you are reading this tonight, prayers for Ellie in this particular area would be appreciated, she really gets frustrated and annoyed at the CPAP head gear (plus we want her to breath easier on the high flow). Thanks


3 thoughts on “Day 71 – make Mum smelly day!

  1. What a beautiful batch of photos – especially touched by the girls cuddled up together. They really know how to show their affection for their Mum – Maria’s idea about a change of clothes with you a good one.
    Hang in there, little Miss Ellie x


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